Wednesday, September 16, 2009

December 1 -22, 1963

Dec. 1, ‘63
We moved to Ola Ave this morning. Wash clothes, cleat apt, went shopping, gave disc. 1 to a Mrs. Jones. Good prospect. (Retired) (Ha! Ha! Dec. 27)
Dec. 3, ‘63
We just visited new contacts and our members. 1st discussion crash[ed] with some young married couples. Attended M.I.A.
Dec. 4, 63
We done about the same today as yesterday. Gave Bro. Rodriguez disc. pick[ed] up some kids for Primary. 1st disc. crashed with a young man.
Dec. 5, 63
It seems the past days have been rather discouraging. Just visited contacts and some more members. The reason for visiting our members is because the new program every member a missionary is just going into effect and we have been trying to get referrals. Had a fireside in the evening and some of our contacts showed. Only 3 did from the rest of the missionaries. Very good speaker, Bro. Anderson. Spoke on communication.
Dec. 6,
Visited more members. Also some new referrals – Rickie Ohers – not home. Gave 1st to a young lady, very sincere and the Spirit of the Lord was truly there. Very golden. Going to teacher her and boyfriend Sunday. My first real experience at giving the 1st disc, (second half) very inspiring and it gets you very enthused.
Dec. 7
Visited referrals in the morning. After noon, made daily contact with people we are teaching. Had baptismal service in the evening until about 7:30. Also talk[ed] with Pres. White (stake) about bad names missionaries had. Going to try and (illegible). I mean we going to regain confidence of members and get referrals from them. With this new program that’s the most effective method. Also group meetings. Working real hard to get these two moving. Then we had a 1st with Bud and Henry, two very intellectuals, very scholarly. Not real golden but interested in learning the truth. Also gave them 2nd and made new app.
Dec. 8
Attended church meetings. In afternoon gave disc to Vickie's Boyfriend. Rather hardened at first but was pretty soft when we left. Very sincere in learning the truth. Made new app. for 2nd. Went to evening service and return[ed] to apt.
Dec. 9, ‘63
Today, D Day, done regular D. Day chores. Went Xmas shopping, etc, etc. Visit[ed] member and a referral. Retired.
Dec. 10
Had Development Meeting. Gave my first talk on Spirituality – Attitude of Success. Received some inspiring instructions on how to hold group meetings. Bore our testimonies. Had first 1st with Mrs. Pijuan, has real desire for the truth. Visit[ed] contacts and referrals. M.I.A.
Dec. 11
Gave Rodriguez the 5th. Still not completely living the W of W. But has a real strong testimony and is real sincere in quitting. Visit[ed] contacts and found out if or not they were interested. Wiped a few off board. Visited members.
Dec. 12
Gave 3rd Mrs. Jones. Visited referrals. Gave 2nd to Mrs. Pijuan. Very golden and is real sincere. Read all pamphlets and such. She came to fireside and she is coming to church Sunday. We had a real inspiring fireside. Bro. Hellid Grant spoke. Convert of 4½ yrs. Today has been a real inspiring day. Have 3 disc. memorized. Gave the 3rd today, ½ anyway. Also gave ½ of the sec. Things are going real well and I love my work thoroughly.
Dec. 13, ‘63
Visited member and contacts. Gave 2nd to Vickie who is real good. Visit[ed] more people.
Dec. 13, ‘63
Visited contacts to invite them to attend church. Also some members. Baptismal service. Sis. Pijuan was there. Came home and study[ied] for the rest of evening.
Dec. 15, ‘63
Attended church meetings. Had two contacts at Sunday School, Sis Jones and Pijuan. Had 2 disc. crash. Went to sacrament came home and studied.
Dec. 16, ‘63
D. Day routine, gave apt real good cleaning. Decorated tree that Jeanette sent. Boy, speaking of her I just got the mail and no letter. Boy, I'm (illegible) as she was to send me some addresses. Love Xmas cards. Oh well.
We meet with Sis Jones to give 4th but she was, is not ready so we first talked about church and answered her question. Also Sis Pijuan. Real good; gave her the 3rd. She prayed and she said to make her baptism soon.
Dec. 17
Look[ed] up referral. Made arrangements for fireside at Sis branch. Disc with the Cox family crashed. They forgot. We[nt] to MIA.
Dec. 18
Today the T.E. (Jolley and Coombe) surprise[d] us with a study class with them. Then after that we traded companions and went to work. 2 went with Elder Jolly. We visited contacts, referrals, hospital. Really an enjoyable day. Gave Pijuan the 4th disc. She is sure gracious and also wanting to give.
Dec. 19
Sort of a slow day, everyone is to[o] busy. They don’t want much to do with ya. This is the time they should be learning about the Savior instead of Santa. Tomorrow will do better. Had a fireside this evening. Bro. Kimball spoke. I conducted for the first time. Real good talk. At Sis Branch.
Dec 20
Boy, what a day. Didn’t accomplish much. People are just not interested in anything but themselves at this time. Had a ward party this evening. Real enjoyable. The usual type party of course.
Dec. 21, ‘63
Visited contacts today. Got a list of all the people in our area. We got a new part. The area to the right of became ours and part of ours at the bottom was given to J & C. Went to a baptismal [service] this evening, 4 baptisms from St. Pete. Also went to a stake concert. Very enjoyable and inspirational evening.
Dec. 22, ‘63
Attended church meetings. Sis Pijuan came again today. Went out to eat at Morrison Cafeteria. Came home read church new[s], etc. Went to sacrament meeting. Xmas program. Real (illegible). Mostly music but it was real good. Then we went over to Opps and had ice cream and cake with strawberries. Also sang and recorded our voices. Then we went to a disc. with Bud and Henry. Boy, we were there three hours. I believe they are seeking the truth but, brother, are they out of it. Oh well, we’ll convince them.